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Daily Mail - Reaction wanted from businesses to the latest rail strikes

ended 03. January 2023

Happy New Year…. not for millions of workers and businesses as rail workers walk out again today until Saturday.

A journalist on the Daily Mail would let to get some on-the-ground, and emotive, reaction from businesses impacted by the latest rail strikes.

How will trade be affected today? Will staff be able to make it in? Do you expect city/town centres to be quiet? Will hospitality be hit again?

6 responses from the Newspage community

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Fortunately for me many of my meeting moved to Teams and Zoom during the pandemic and have stayed that way. However, there are a growing number getting back to face-to-face engagement and, for me, many of these are in London. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with UK rail travel - it’s expensive unless you book weeks in advance, the trains are often not in the best condition and on-board staff can be lacking when needed. But, it does get me to London quicker than driving, I can get some work done and it’s better for the environment. However, if I’m now booking in meetings and have to add the risk of the trains I need not running; then I’ll default back to driving, so I know I’ll get there and back.

While it's not a happy start to the year for those affected by the rail strikes, our business has not been directly impacted. Our staff and customers drive to the office, so we have not experienced any difficulties due to the train strikes. We hope the strikes will be resolved quickly and smoothly for those affected.

The rail strikes are certainly impacting our trade. Some of our customers rely on travelling by train and they will either have to get a lift into town or come in another day. Furthermore it’s impacting our buying as our brand agents are mainly in the London area so it gives us less time to buy our clothing for the season.

I have to travel from Swindon to London twice this week to see clients. Ordinarily, I would drive 20 miles south to a cheaper line to get the train in. The train would be overcrowded and late, if it turned up at all. This week I will drive in the comfort of my own car, it will be cheaper, even including London parking, and I won't be late. All striking does is get people used to a better alternative.

First day back in the office for 2023 - really important for the business to gain momentum for the new year ahead especially in these challenging times - thanks to Mick and his overpaid, selfish and inconsiderate colleagues we have less than 10% of our workforce in and it’s 09:15hrs.

We've already had staff unable to make it due to the rail strikes! Something has to give - the government can pledge billions in aid for another country but can't pledge to those essential workers, who keep the country ticking, during a cost of living crisis!