
Newspage opens its doors to PRs, enabling them to help power its free, decentralised news agency

5/9/2024, 8:49 am

Newspage® has opened its doors to PR agencies for the first time, enabling them to help power the platform's ‘decentralised’ news agency with the insights and expertise of their clients.

  • Agencies can collaborate with the Newspage® editorial team and thousands of experts in all sectors in real time to identify and build stories that matter
  • Newspage® will editorialise the content and supply a rich and topical feed of impartial news content to publishers at no cost
  • Newspage encourages agencies to shift from a press release mindset to a storytelling mindset, generating content that is democratic and free of 'messages'

Newspage, which launched as a free PR platform during the pandemic but evolved into a news agency as its user volumes grew, is regularly credited by a growing number of local, national and trade media in the stories they write.

Unlike traditional news agencies that are centralised and charge for content, Newspage's content is decentralised and free. It relies on its user base to tell it what stories constitute news in their respective sectors, editorialises that content and then supplies it to relevant media free of charge.

Newspage's success is built on its proprietary News Alerts, which proactively mine the intel and insights of thousands of hyper-engaged experts in real time for the stories that they say matter to consumers and businesses now.

This derisks content for the media as they are publishing stories that resonate, and makes for more shareable content as diversity of voice is built in.

During the trial period, Newspage will be onboarding 20 PR agencies. Agencies on Newspage® will be able to:

  • create News Alerts themselves, seeking views and intel in real time from thousands of hyper-engaged experts in all sectors to build better stories that Newspage will editorialise and send to relevant media free of charge
  • respond to the News Alerts created by the Newspage news team on behalf of their clients throughout the day 

Newspage gives PR agencies an alternative to conventional journalist request and press release distribution services, enabling them to embed their clients into rich and impartial stories issued by Newspage® that journalists are then free to adapt as they see fit.

Newspage Fee Structure - PR Agencies 

  • £500+VATpcm - PR agencies can create their own Newspage and add unlimited experts from up to 5 clients*. They can respond to News Alerts created by the Newspage news team and create News Alerts themselves, asking thousands of experts in all sectors for views, insights, case studies and data that add impartiality and depth to the stories they are working on. The Newspage news team editorialises the News Alerts and issues them to the media for free
  • £1000+VATpcm - As above, but PR agencies can create their own Newspage and add unlimited experts from up to 10 clients*. 

Dominic Hiatt, Founder, Newspage, commented:

“Good PR agencies understand the value of quality content and quality content is what matters to news publishers most, especially at a time when many editorial teams are being scaled back. We're now enabling PRs to help power our unique, decentralised news agency and work with us to build impartial stories that draw on intel, case studies, data and insights that are collectively sourced rather than siloed, namely centred on one client. We believe our approach is a win for news publishers as it gives them a steady feed of credible and ready-to-go stories that their own journalists can adapt as they see fit, much as they would with a traditional news agency but minus the cost. It's a win for PR agencies, as their clients get valuable PR exposure through the stories we build together. And it's a win for readers as they get to consume richer stories with diversity of voice built in. Good PRs have always been good storytellers and Newspage® is now enabling them to take that storytelling to the next level. PR agencies who are ready to think differently should get in touch."

*Newspage deals solely with the PR agency and not its clients. Once their clients are onboarded, agencies will be invited to an online group where they can work in tandem with the Newspage News Desk team to ensure they get maximum value from their subscription. Subscriptions  to Newspage can be cancelled at any time.

Sample stories provided by Newspage®

Thisismoney (Mail Online) - 2 September 2024 - Mortgage rates continue to fall

Daily Mirror - 14 March 2024 - Halifax to reduce max working age for some mortgage applicants and it could hike payments

BBC - 8 February 2024 - Landlord mortgages in arrears double in a year 

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