
4 Nations songwriting tour heads to Manchester on Monday 20th September

15/9/2021, 11:37 am
Together With Music brings together young and old through song

Manchester will play host to the four nations songwriting tour in September by Together with Music, a membership group that seeks to bring care home residents and local communities together through music.

The tour will stop at The Bridgewater Hall on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st September.

During the 2-day tour, care home and sheltered accommodation staff and residents intermingle with choirs, schools, orchestras, youth groups and other members of the community. The purpose is to celebrate people, diversity, inclusion and, of course, Manchester's incredible musical heritage.

Tour schedule

  • Day 1: Creative Learning - this will be open to local young people, care staff and musicians, teaching them fun, practical skills and a deeper understanding of the place music has within health and wellbeing and as a tool for community connection.
  • Day 2: Connection and Creativity - this workshop will be open to Manchester's care homes and older people in the community to engage in creative intergenerational sessions. The TwM team use the power of music and songwriting to celebrate stories, culture and heritage, while providing an opportunity to share feelings surrounding the pandemic.

Despite only launching in December 2020, Together with Music’s intergenerational programme now has 1050 members and engages with 55,000 people. The 2021 Autumn tour is designed to encourage connection and creativity through shared musical experiences and presents an opportunity to build stronger communities.

Greater feeling of connectedness 

Speaking about the Manchester event, Together with Music Programme Director, Emily Abbott, says:

We are so excited to be delivering these workshops at the incredible Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. This tour is all about empowering communities through music and songwriting. We know that engaging with music can have a profound impact on society, improving mental health and wellbeing while connecting the old with the young. Hopefully we can leave the people of Manchester with a greater feeling of connectedness. 

Professor Martin Green OBE , CEO of Care England added:

“I can see the difference Together with Music is making and the multitude of benefits that come from connections between generations and communities. Together with Music is creative, responsive and is going to be transformational for overall wellbeing and quality of life for people in care homes up and down the country.”

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